Land of Paradise


Ethiopia - Land of Paradise

Ethiopia is Africa's oldest independent country and its second largest in terms of population. Apart from a five-year occupation by Mussolini's Italy, it has never been colonized. It has a unique cultural heritage, being the home of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church - one of the oldest Christian churches - and a monarchy that ended only in the coup of 1974.It served as a symbol of African independence throughout the colonial period and was a founder member of the United Nations and the African base for many international organizations.

Ethiopia is an ancient land with many unique features, which are true. Ethiopia is the only independent African country that has never been conquered throughout the ages. It is located in the Horn of Africa, North of the Equator with total area coverage of 1,1 million sq. km. Ethiopia is truly a land of mystery and marvelous with an extraordinary history, culture, nature and with a mixed religious events, these spectacles could be thoroughly explored and looked up to under the paradise of intense African blue skies.

The heart-breaking attractions of Ethiopia can be told and explored by varying tourists with different tastes that could hold varying meanings of significance. Through these great lands, the travelers can make a journey of a lifetime which he could not experience anywhere else. Ethiopia’s long history of collective antiquities circles the beauty of its sightseeing that could not be found within anywhere of sub-Saharan Africa. This unique, magnificent, splendid and fascinating attraction makes Ethiopia a country to be listed as one of the top tourist attraction sites in the world. The historical edifice of great endogenous civilization in Ethiopia leads to astonishing sites of World heritages registered byUNSECO.

The prominent ones are: Lalibela - the unofficial eighth wonder of the world that is known by live 11 rock hewn churches; Gondar - the medieval capital of Ethiopia with complex of Castles; Axum : where the fabled Queen of Sheba capital, majestic standing monolithic obelisks stand and the Sanctuary of Ark of Covenant; Harar : the eastern Islamic learning centre and the walled city; Bahir Dar : beautifully decorated timeless islands monasteries of Lake Tana. The temple of Yeha : the oldest standing structure defines an ancient glory and the Al- NegashiMosque that represent the very first history of Islamic Faith in the world. The natural beauty of Ethiopia amazes the first-time visitor. Ethiopia is a land of rugged mountains (some 25 are over 4000 meters high), broad savannah, lakes and rivers. The Great Rift Valley that cuts Ethiopia from northeast to southwest is unique and made a remarkable region of volcanic lakes , with their famous/diversity of birdlife, great escarpments and stunning vistas. Tisisat, the Blue Nile Falls , must rank as one of the greatest natural spectacles in Africa today. With 14 major national parks and other wildlife protected areas, Ethiopia provides a microcosm of the entire sub-Saharan ecosystem.

Birdlife abounds, and indigenous animals from the rare Walia ibex to the very shy Wild ass, roam free just as nature intended. Ethiopia, after the rains, is a land decked with flowers and with many more native plants than most countries in Africa. Among the many natural tourist attractions only the principal ones are briefly given below. The majestic landscapes of Ethiopia open to tremendous range of climate and altitude variety, which leads the country to extreme diversity. Africa’s top impressive experience between Desert to Afro alpine climate, highest elevated mountain Ras Dejen (4620 m a.s.l) to Danakil Depression (120 m below sea level the lowest point of the world), colorful religious ceremonies to Ethnic Ritual activities, immense ethnic varieties, an extraordinary species of wildlife and plants are authentically remarkable and breathtaking.Ethiopia is Africa's oldest independent country and its second largest in terms of population. Apart from a five-year occupation by Mussolini's Italy, it has never been colonised. It has a unique cultural heritage, being the home of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church - one of the oldest Christian churches - and a monarchy that ended only in the coup of 1974.

It served as a symbol of African independence throughout the colonial period and was a founder member of the United Nations and the African base for many international organizations.

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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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